16 high school scholars collectively receiving $80,000 in assistance for college
College Planning Resources
FastWeb's free scholarship search and college directory can help you find the right college and scholarships to help pay for it. FastWeb is provided completely free.
Begin your free college scholarship search by creating a personal profile consisting of your interests, skills and background. Scholarships.com will compare this information to our database of over 600,000 college scholarship awards, worth more than 1.4 billion dollars, from over 8,000 scholarship sources. The scholarship awards that match your personal profile will be delivered to you immediately, on-line!
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Comprehensive online directory of study abroad and international education. Includes college undergraduate semester, year-long and summer programs, intensive language and experiential programs plus high school and graduate study abroad.
Student gateway to the U.S. government delivering government information and services across your campus & around the world. Here you will find general information about the major federal student aid programs (who is eligible and how to apply), tax credits for education expenses, and other federal, state, and private sources of information.
The ISAC INFO Cafe where you will find the latest on college selection, financial aid sources, financing options and expert advice. It's the place to be when you're hungry for knowledge! Dig in!